Monday, August 25, 2008

Playing for Keeps: Up, Up and Away!

Cover: Playing for KeepsMy good friend (and geeky partner-in-crime at Knights of the Dinner Table) Mur Lafferty launched her the print edition of her superhero novel Playing for Keeps today.

Go buy the book.

Initially released as a podcast, Playing For Keeps tells the story of Keepsie, a bartender with third-rate superhero powers that kept her out of Seventh City's equivelent of the Justice League. Other "Third Waves" -- those who have minor or seemingly inconsequential powers -- frequent her bar. These Mystery Men-style also rans suddenly become important though, when villains and heroes battle in the sky, and a certain something falls into Keepsie's posession...

Mur's hoping to get a nice buzz going for the book; ah hell, that's not right ... Mur's hoping to smash the gates of traditional publishing by rocketing to the top of the sales lists. If you like superheroes, if you like Mur's stuff, if you want to stun a few traditional print publishers or if you just want to try out a fun, fast-reading novel, buy the book

One note, cribbed from Mur's FAQ. The book says its sold out, but you can still buy it. Her publisher, Swarm, uses print-on-demand technology, and they'll happily print you as many books as you want to buy.